Accessing the Probe College Fair Scanning App

Attention College Exhibitors: The Ignite Capture App is the official scanning app for the Georgia Probe College Tour. For one fee, the app covers all staff members for the entire tour. Whether this is your first season working the tour or if you are a veteran, take note of the following:

Log into the Correct Tour Season

If you have used the app in the past, open the app and sign out. 

sign out

Next, open the app and enter the Fall 2024 Georgia Probe College Tour code, Fall24probe

Let's begin

Accessing the App

There are two ways to access the app:

1) Log in with the provided account credentials. When a representative from your college registered for the tour, they were given the option to list any staff members. If your name and email address were included in the registration, you were sent personal login credentials. Use your college email address and provided password.

Lost the password? You can recover your password from the login app screen.

2) Sign up with your college’s exhibitor team code. If your name was not provided on the tour registration, sign up using your college’s unique exhibitor team code. Contact the staff member who registered your institution.

Next, create your account credentials to use the app. 

Sign up with exhibitor team code

Questions? Visit and click Help to access our support chat. 

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Stay up to date with the latest Probe news, and tour information.

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Nonprofit Status

The Internal Revenue Service recognizes the Georgia Education Articulation Committee, Inc as a 501(c)(3) exempt organization and public charity. GEAC’s tax identification number is EIN: 58-1552721.

Contact us

Georgia Educational Articulation Committee, Inc.
PO Box 131
Young Harris, GA 30582

Stay up to date

Stay up to date with the latest Probe news, and tour information.

Quick Links

Nonprofit Status

The Internal Revenue Service recognizes the Georgia Education Articulation Committee, Inc as a 501(c)(3) exempt organization and public charity. GEAC’s tax identification number is EIN: 58-1552721.

Contact us

Georgia Educational Articulation Committee, Inc.
PO Box 131
Young Harris, GA 30582